Enjoy the freedom and ability to be creative! Simple and clean layouts are easy to read and focus on. Flashy, distracting layouts are hard to read and tires the eyes! CSS can save a lot of work once the theme is created for a website. With CSS, you only have to change the specifications or properties in one file, the style sheet, rather than a number of files pertaining to the presentation of the website such as the font family, font color, weight (bold or italicized), body background color or image, or how list are displayed. CSS allows websites to load more quickly and efficiently since the styles are included in one file as opposed to being mixed in with the content of the pages. Once the style sheet is downloaded, it is stored in the user's temporary internet files to be accessed as the viewer browses the website. CSS also makes it easier for the search engines to find the actual content of a page since they are not sifting through heading tags, font tags, and table tags.
If someone does not understand or ask what CSS means, here is a good demonstration.
I also understand and take into consideration the need to use adjustable units so the viewers specified settings will be not be compromised.
Adjustable units include:
In order to be sure I fully understand css and can take advantage of all the features and relay this information to you, I went through the online css tutorials located at http://www.w3schools.com/css/ and http://www.html.net/tutorials/CSS/. I also found some very informative links regarding complex layouts that include floats and absolute positioning and work around browser bugs along with many other resources at http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/learning. I have been and intend to continue spending a lot of time reading and experimenting with all the abilities css has to offer.
View this page with STYLE!